Miguel Bichara Assad is a Family+business man | Athletic, ambitious & fast learner | Create memories | Build trust & value | Care for human & environmental concerns

Miguel Bichara Assad's Bio:

Miguel Bichara Assad holds the role as VP of strategy and new business development at a family corporation in the transportation, communication, and real estate industries. Has successfully managed and increased the enterprise value of this organization while achieving a constant opening of successful new businesses every year. His vision to read the world by anticipating future threats, fulfilling ongoing obligations and exploiting new opportunities, combined with my organization and structure, networks of capabilities, trustworthiness, and experience, has helped him grow the enterprise value of the corporation by reinvesting profits in new businesses that create new profits, equity and savings in this globally-diverse, fast-paced, technology-driven marketplace, to increase the enterprise value of the shareholders faster than the industry’s average market growth and what financial institutions offer. ------- Over my 18-year career, I have worked in a variety of industries, from education, franchise casual dining, real estate development, construction, magazine editorial, politics, new automobile dealerships and tax consulting, while holding a broad range of roles and responsibilities, among them: Planning & business strategy, administration (P&Ls, finances, tax strategy), domestic & international business development, construction manager, purchasing & imports, logistics, sales & marketing, organization design, HR & training, business operations and technology implementation. I speak fluent English & Spanish, hold a Bachelor in Business administration and management, I chaira ASFM's associate and director boards, I’m a member of YPO and chair of national forums, have been a student of the IPADE and EGADE business schools, the Business professional course at the Aji Network, and 2 years in the LEIP (Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and accumulation of power) program in San Jose, CA. I'm actually studying a Real estate development course at 'Escuela de Gobierno y Transformacion Publica' at ITESM University.

Miguel Bichara Assad's Experience:

Miguel Bichara Assad's Education:

Miguel Bichara Assad's Interests & Activities:

Family, Business, Sports, Travel, Education